International Journal of Italian Film and Media Landscapes



Call for essays

L’avventura. International Journal of Italian Film and Media Landscapes aims at positioning itself at the heart of the contemporary debate on Italian visual and media culture, its history and its present characteristics. The journal’s main areas of interest include: Patterns, styles, figures; Archive; Differences; Spectatorship; Camera; Contemporary tale.


Please send your abstract to lavventura.direttivo@gmail.com. Abstracts should be between 300 and 400 words and can be submitted in English or in Italian. The proposal shall include: 5 keywords, main bibliographical references, author/s, institution, contacts (e-mail, telephone), together with a short curriculum for each author. If the proposal is accepted, the author/s will be asked to submit the whole article.

Articles should be between 5,000-6,000 words in length (no more than 40,000 characters, spaces and notes included), but shorter articles will be considered.

L’avventura is a biannual journal with a permanent call for essays: abstracts submitted by September 30th will be considered for publication in the Spring Issue, while abstracts submitted by March 31st will be considered for publication in the Fall Issue.

Read the call.


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