Michele Ciccarelli

Il corpo di Gesù e la guarigione dell’emorroissa in Lc 8,40-48

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This essay investigates the passage, Lk 8,43-48, which recounts the miraculous healing of a woman suffering from a uterine haemorrhage. The study focuses on the importance of Jesus’ human body as the instrument transmitting salvific power. However, this has only superficial similarities with the wonders of the magi and thaumaturges which were widespread in the society of that time. In fact, through contact with Jesus’ body which, by contrast with the "theios aner", preserves the normal human condition, the woman, drawn to him by faith, experiences not only the healing of her own body – and, consequently, her reintegration into the community to which she belongs –, but also a salvation which envelops her completely and introduces her to communion with Jesus.


  • Body
  • Tactile experience
  • Miracle
  • Healing
  • Medical practice


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