Visibilizing the Patient’s Body through Anticipation. A Matter of Care
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Within the world of biomedical imaging and healthcare, imaging is standard routine practice, and seeing is believing (Saunders 2008). Philosophers of science theorized scientific and medical images focusing on how images inform and provide evidence (de Regt 2017; Perini 2005; Roskies 2007). Drawing upon critical medical humanities, care studies and visual STS, I argue that the patient’s body is never simply imaged but it is anticipated. The process of anticipation, which attends to the mise-en-place of images and bodies, is key to understanding the care-bodies-imaging technologies ensemble. Furthermore, looking at the way care is approached through anticipation, I will make use of the concept of visibilization to show the performative character of the image-technology-body entanglement.
- Anticipating/Imaging
- Care
- Primal Scene
- Biomedical Body Scan
- Embodied Imagination