Gesù apocalittico nel Vangelo di Marco
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The relevance of apocalypticism with respect to the Gospels and to the historical Jesus has traditionally been considered only in relation to eschatological themes, with particular reference to the socalled «apocalyptic discourse» (Mk 13 par.). Focusing on Mark’s Gospel, the present contribution intends to broaden the analysis to other aspects that show how Mark’s story of Jesus is totally permeated by an apocalyptic worldview: not only in terms of eschatology and messianism, but first and foremost in terms of revelatory experiences and a dualistic conception of reality as a battlefield between God and Satan. At the same time, the deep rooting of Mark’s apocalyptic story in the historical figure and message of Jesus is highlighted.
- Apocalypticism
- Gospel of Mark
- Historical Jesus
- Revelatory Experience
- Messianism