Rivista di antropologia contemporanea


Anthropological research in Italy (Demo-etno-antropologia) is rich and lively, even if at times fragmentary. The Journal of Contemporary Anthropology (Rivista di antropologia contemporanea - RAC) aims at uniting different schools and fields of study, offering a constructive space for fruitful scientific debate. RAC dedicates monographic issues to the theoretical challenges of current international anthropology, focusing on anthropology as a tool for reading contemporary societies and their changes, in dialogue with other disciplines such as history, sociology, and political science. How globalization redefines the spheres of economics and politics; what kind of ‘anthropological revolution’ is triggered by the spread of new media; what contributions anthropology can offer to the rethinking of concepts such as State, people, sovereignty: these are some of the themes RAC intends to address, holding on the two pillars of the anthropological approach, the irreducibility of the concept of culture and the centrality of ethnographic research.

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