Filosofia politica
Founded by Nicola Matteucci


Born in 1987, Filosofia politica is the result of the encounter of different professional experiences (moral philosophy, history of political thought, history of political philosophy, political science, history of political institutions, law history). The aim of Filosofia Politica, which aroused the interest of such authors as Dunn, Pocock, Skinner, Koselleck, Hofmann, Kervégan, Janet Coleman, all members of the international scientific committee – is to make political thought conceptually and historically "thick" again, recovering classical thinkers (ancient, modern and contemporary) and radically remoulding the categories of political thought, from the classical age to the our globalized present. Thus two out of three numbers we publish every year has a monographic part including several essays devoted to a lemma of "European political vocabulary", whose historical semantic is reconstructed through a method akin to Begriffsgeschichte; the second part is devoted to "Saggi" (Essays), where we publish on thinkers or themes we find important for our theoretical scheme, while the third part is devoted to "Note e Discussioni" (Debates and review-essays). In the last part "Materiale Bibliografico" (Bibliographical notes) we offer a great service of international scientific literature to the scholars.

JOURNAL METRICS: Detailed indicators

Referees 2015-2017

Referess 2018-2021

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