Francesca Nodari

Otherwise than Sartre and Beyond Heidegger. From the «Dasein» to the «être juif»

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This essay investigates how Lévinas goes beyond Heidegger, in a sort of hand-to-hand that does not only display the Author's criticism of the founding elements of Heidegger's existential analytics: the "in-der-Welt-sein", the "Alltäglichkeit", the "Geworfenheit", the "Sorge", the "Miteinandersein", but most importantly, in "Sein und Zeit", the Other and hence time are not taken seriously. This is done by moving from L.vinas's unpublished works, taking the notion of "facticit juive" as formulated in "Être juif as fil rouge" (1925). As Lévinas writes, it is anti-semitism that creates the Jew. The whole distance that spans between L.vinas and Heidegger surfaces here, in a going-beyond that entails the transition from the "Dasein" who is never hungry to the "tre juif" of flesh and blood, which makes himself hostage-with-his-own-body-for-the-Other.


  • Lévinas
  • Dasein
  • être Juif
  • Identity
  • Time


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